Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lets do it!!

A stressful job? Whats that? I thought this week was stressful but now that everything I thought was stressful about it is done I realize that it really was not stressful at all I just thought it was.

This weekend as Saturday came up and it was an every other Saturday. That means we had the feeding ministry. But before that I journeyed to Kings Cross which is a HUGE mall. But I will tell you more of that adventure later :P. During the feeding ministry we took hot tea with the foods we were handing out and the people seemed so grateful. Many of our regulars were not out this week but we still found nice homes for all of the bags and we had a few more people from our Youth to Jesus show up (still trying to get people outside of our leadership team though). Next time we do it though the Blessing family will there (they are who started the ministry and were gone to Israel for a few weeks) and so we will be staying at the church talking and building the relationships with the people that we meet there!

After the feeding ministry I decided I had neglected cleaning the last week or two and had never really deep cleaned my apartment so I started. I washed every mirror, and table top in my room and then washed all my clothes and sheets and just completely made my room CLEAN! Then did the same for the hall way and living room (it took all day and into the night and I had help). We hid so many fake flowers (it looked like an old lady lived here not 3 young guys). But during that time I realized that we had neglected to plan for English club which is what we are suppose to do on Friday, and I didn't work at the student center again until Tuesday, the day of English club. Also I realized I had not started my sermon for Thursday or small group planning for Wednesday. I was SO STRESSED!!!!

In order to plan for English club and not have to work to much on my day of Monday me and Katie were able to just plan it through emails and it worked out great and I think it was a very successful week at English club.

Small group is starting to draw to a close with only 4 more weeks left, but we finished up Chapter 2 finally discussing the picture of the first church in Acts 2:42-47 (If you have not read this lately you might want to and ask yourself if your church is following this pattern!!). We decided to that since we only have a few weeks left to each pick part of the book that we want to study and work on studying those the next few weeks, next week will be Chapter 10 when Peter had his vision and visited Cornelius.

And for my sermon that I preached tonight!!! Well I won't spoil it just yet, it was recorded and I should have it tomorrow and will try to put it on youtube and on here so I can share it with you. :) If that does not work out I will post what I wrote down on here tomorrow (if your are lucky I might do both). But I fell so alive after it and I felt even more alive during it!!!

One last note I am still trying to raise the extra $100 dollars a month for the rent so that we can have the original agreement we made with my roommates before we realized there was some miscommunications about rent from GBGM. So if you would like to help out with that please go to and let me know how much was donated so that I am able to keep up with it, so far we have raise $400 of the $1700 needed. If you would like to support me and other missionaries please visit here, we are asked to raise $2500 a year to help support overhead cost such as salaries and travel of ourselves and other missionaries (this amount barely covers travel for me to get here so its not unreasonable).

THANK YOU all so very very much I love every one of you who read this and pray for me! May God Bless you and give you the desires of your heart!

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