Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's all Ukrainian to me.

Thursday was the mark of being out of the country longer than I have ever been before. I have now been here 2 weeks and 3 days. It is a completely knew yet familiar feeling. In the last few years I have been very nomadic, moving between summer camp, school, and home. I have not been completely settled in one place for more than a few months. Now I am settled into a city, in another country, in an apartment that I share with two new people. And I love it.

In the last week I have started making plans for leading a small group Bible study on the book of Acts. Together Katie and I have lead English club and started planning for future English clubs (Every Tuesday Night). Also I have started to plan a sermon for one Thursday night, and planing out how to give my testimony for another Thursday night.

There is so much here that I just can't put into words. The friendliness and kindness, the fun, the joy. It is all so great. One of the greatest times I keep experiencing here over and over is with my roommates. One speaks very limited English and it is often hard for us to communicate, but some how we manage to get our ideas across and to have fun, between grocery shopping, cooking and just kidding around it has been an amazing experience, even though what he is saying is all Ukrainian to me.

The weather here has been amazing, we have had a little rain but mostly warm sunny days, though the temperature is starting to drop. It has been a great ally in this change. I have also fallen into what to me feels more like and adult pattern of life than I am use to. No more classes, I cook, I clean, I actually do work (even though work is something I greatly enjoy). Doing laundry is different, everything hang dries, and the washer is smaller so it takes smaller loads. Cooking is becoming fun, everything is cooked from scratch mostly, and over a gas stove. To even have coffee we light the stove to heat up the water in a kettle, it is awesome.

Thank you again everyone who is praying for me during this amazing experience and journey God has sent me on. God Bless.

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